Beginning life as the now-legendary “Three Blokes In The Pub” series, Graham Hughes’s #PUBCAST is an ongoing series in which we discuss political matters down the boozer… because Britain is sick of experts (apparently) and only listens to the bloke in the pub.
A series of video monologues which usually revolve around a theme you might find familiar… that of how utterly, mindbogglingly stupid Brexit is!
Every time a prominent Remainer took on a prominent Leaver, the same thing happened: the Leaver was left with egg all over their stupid face. Don’t believe me? Just watch:
Having not gone to private school, it’s surprisingly difficult to get on television or the radio. I think there’s a secret password or handshake that you have to know. But every now and again, us plebs are permitted a few minutes to do the job the opposition seems utterly incapable of doing.